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قديم 12-23-2013, 03:26 PM
عقيل الهندي عقيل الهندي غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2013
المشاركات: 31

10 - [Ever] Living – He does not die; Sufficient, He does not sleep
11 – A creator; without having purpose, a provider without effort.

Shaykh Muhammd Naasir Ud-Deen al-Albaani said, ‘i.e without heaviness or burden, as in the explanation of al-‘Aqeedatu at-Tahaawiyyah’, p. 125 – 4th edition’
12 – He causes death without fear and gives life without burden.
13 – He has always been, with his attributes, before His creation – He has never increased in His attributes, gaining that which He did not have before. And just as He has always been with His attributes, He shall remain forever.
Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said in al-Tis’eeniyyah (2/456), while refuting some groups in this matter, incorporating the author’s speech, ‘As for the fuqahaa, Ahlul Haddeth, the Soofiyyah some of the people of rhetoric, from those who refute the mu’tazilah from the murji’ah, shee’ah and karraamiyyah and others, they dispel the evidences that have been mentioned and say that He is not a doer except with an action that is independent in itself; a being that is independent in itself and the creation that is independent in itself is different to the creation that is created.
And this is what the fuqahaa from the companions of Abu Haneefah, ash-Shaafi’ee, Ahmad and Maalik mention in their books – just as the fuqahaa of the Hanafiyyah have mentioned, like at-Tahaawi, Abu Mansoor al-Maatooridi and others, as al-Baghawai mentioned in Sharh us-Sunnah and as the companions of Ahmad, like Abu Ishaaq, Abu Bakr Abdul-‘Azeez al-Qaadi and others have mentioned…’
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