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قديم 12-17-2009, 11:31 PM
مناصرة الرسول مناصرة الرسول غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2009
الدولة: عمان-الأردن
المشاركات: 278
افتراضي ‘Alî Hasan ‘Abdil-Hamîd al-Halabî al-Atharî

Alî Hasan ‘Abdil-Hamîd al-Halabî al-Atharî

here’s some biographical information on Shaikh ‘Alî Hasan al-Halabî. First is a couple of quotes from Abū Asmâ’ ‘Atiyyah bin Sidqî ‘Alî Sâlim’s book, Safahât Baidâ’ min Hayâh al-Imam Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî, followed by a translation of the shaikh’s biography as found on his website.

In his book, Safahât Baidâ’ min Hayâh al-Imam Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî
(pg. 56), Shaikh ‘Atiyyah Sâlim mentions,

‘Alî Hasan ‘Abdil-Hamîd al-Halabî al-Atharî:

is the most prominent of the shaikh’s pupils today and from the strongest of today’s students of knowledge—I consider him as such and I do not vouch for him over Allah. [Very] well-read and credible, he has nice compilations and treatises. I met with him and sat with him a lot and found him [to be] sociable, easy-going, and always smiling.

He also mentions (pg. 52),

In the city of Abu Dhabi, Lu’ay bin ‘Abdir-Razzâq Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî narrated to me saying that, “I heard ’Ubâdah—Shaikh al-Albânî’s grandson—asked his grandfather during his last months about the most virtuous two [people] in the science of Hadîth today. The shaikh said, ‘Alî Hasan al-Halabî and Abū Is·hâq al-Huwainî.’”

Source:Sâlim, ‘Atiyyah bin Sidqî ‘Alî. Safahât Baidâ’ min Hayâh al-Imam Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî. San’â’, Yemen: al-Maktabah al-Islamiyyah, 2001.

Shaikh Abul-Hârith (Abul-Hasan) ‘Alî bin Hasan al-Halabî al-Atharî


His Lineage and Kinship:

He is the salafî shaikh, the atharî, author of methodological compilations and valuable academic verifications, ‘Alî bin Hasan bin ‘Alî bin ‘Abdil-Hamîd, Abul-Hârith; a Jaffan in origin, a Halabî in kinship, a Jordanian immigrant.

His Birth: [He was] from the infants of the city of az-Zarqa in Jordan on the date of 29 Jumâdâ ath-Thânî, 1380H.

His Upbringing, His Seeking of Knowledge, and His Shaikhs:

His father and grandfather migrated to Jordan from Jaffa in Palestine in 1368H/1948CE due to the effects of the war [with] the Jews (may Allah curse them).

He started seeking legal knowledge more than 20 years ago. The most prominent of his shaikhs were: the ‘allâmah, the shaikh, the traditionist, Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî (may Allah have mercy on him), then the shaikh, the linguist, the reciter, ‘Abdul-Wadūd az-Zirârî (may Allah, exalted is He, have mercy on him), and others from the people of knowledge.

He met Shaikh Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albâni towards the end of 1977CE in ‘Amman and he studied Ishkâlât al-Bâ’ith al-Hathîth and other [books] from the books of [Hadîth] terminology under Shaikh al-Albânî in 1981CE.

He has academic permissions [to teach] generally and in [the field of] Hadîth specifically, from a number of the people of knowledge. From them: ‘Allâmah Shaikh Badî’ ad-Dîn as-Sindî, the ‘allâmah, the noble Shaikh Muhammad as-Sâlik ash-Shinqîtî (may Allah have mercy on him), and others.

The Scholars’ Commendation of Him:

A bulk of the people of knowledge have commended him. From them:

- The shaikh, the ‘allâmah, the traditionist, the jurist, the Lion of the Sunnah, Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî (may Allah have mercy on him), as in as-Sahîhah (vol. 2, pg. 720) is the praise of clarifying the lie of the destroyer of the Sunnah, Hassân ‘Abdul-Manân: he said, ” … the presentation of the statement in clarifying the flaw of all of his words themselves regarding its weakening needs the writing of a specific book, and that is from what my time is not adequate for. So perhaps some of our brothers strong in this knowledge can perform that, like brother ‘Alî al-Halabî, … .” Also see the introduction of at-Talîqât ar-Radiyyah ‘alar-Rawdah an-Nadiyyah, al-Maktabah al-Islamiyyah’s print of Âdâb az-Zifâf, and an-Nasîhah.

- Shaikh Ibn Bâz (may Allah have mercy on him) also commended him and acclaimed his book, Innahâ Salafiyyah al-’Aqîdah wal-Manhaj, for him.

- Also Shaikh Bakr Abū Zaid in his book, Tahrîf an-Nusūs min Ma’âkhadh Ahl al-Ahwâ’ fil-Istidlâl, pgs. 93-94.

- Similarly, the shaikh, the ‘allâmah, the traditionist, Muqbil bin Hâdî al-Wâdi’î (may Allah have mercy on him). In his book, Tuhfah al-Mujîb ‘alâ As’ilah al-Hâdir wal-Gharîb (pg. 160), the esteemed shaikh, the ’allâmah, the traditionist, Muqbil bin Hâdî al-Wâdi’î, was asked, “Who are the scholars who you advise referring to, whose books to read, and whose tapes to listen?”

He (may Allah have mercy on him) replied, “We have spoken about this several times, we will repeat [it] another time, however. From them are Shaikh Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî and his noble students, like brother ‘Alî bin Hasan bin ‘Abdil-Hamîd, brother Salîm al-Hilâlî, brother Mash·hūr bin Hasan … .”

He (may Allah have mercy on him) said, “After this, I saw a valuable treatise titled, Fiqh al-Wâqi’ bain an-Nadhariyyah wat-Tatbîq, by our brother in Allah, ‘Alî bin Hasan bin ‘Abdil-Hamîd; we advise purchasing it and reading it; so may Allah reward him with good.” He (may Allah have mercy on him) had mentioned this treatise in his book, Ghârah al-Ashritah ‘ala Ahl al-Jahl was-Safsatah, describing it saying, “I do not know of an equal to it.”

- Also the shaikh, the ‘allâmah, the traditionist, ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-’Abbâd (may Allah preserve him). In the new second edition (1426H) of his outstanding book, Rifqan Ahl as-Sunnah bi Ahl as-Sunnah (pgs. 8-9), the shaikh, the ‘allâmah, the traditionist, the jurist, the remainder of the predecessors, ‘Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad al-’Abbâd al-Badr (may Allah preserve him and make [one] enjoy his knowledge) said, “I also advise the students of knowledge in every land to benefit from those occupied with knowledge from the People of the Sunnah in that land; like Shaikh al-Albânî’s (may Allah have mercy on him) pupils in Jordan who established a centre after him in his name … .”

His [Islamic] Propagation Efforts:

1. from the founders, editors, and writers of al-Asâlah magazine, published in Jordan.

2. from the founders of the Imam al-Albânî Centre for Academic Researches & Methodological Studies.

3. he had a weekly article within the Sunnah section of Al-Muslimoon newspaper, published in London. It lasted about two years beginning on the date 18 Rabî Awwal, 1417H.

4. a participant in a number of Islamic conferences, [Islamic] propagation meetings, and academic courses, in a number of the states in the world numerous times, the likes of America, Britain, Holland, Hungary, Canada, Indonesia, France, and others.

5. invited to a number of the Jordanian universities to deliver lectures and seminars, the likes of the University of Jordan, Yarmouk University, Al-Zaytoonah University … .

His Writings & Verifications:

1. Between treatises, books, [single] volumes, and [multiple] volumes, his writings and verifications exceed 150. From their most important in terms of writings are:

‘Ilm Usūl al-Bida’,
Dirâsah ‘Ilmiyyah fî Sahîh Muslim,
Ru’yah Wâqi’iyyah fil-Manâhij ad-Da’wiyyah,
an-Nukat ‘alâ Nuzhah an-Nadhar,
Ahkâm ash-Shitâ’ fis-Sunnah al-Mutahharah,
Ahkâm al-’Îdain fis-Sunnah al-Mutahharah,
at-Ta’lîqât al-Athariyyah ‘alal-Mandhūmah al-Baiqūniyyah,
ad-Da’wah ilallah bain at-Tajammu’ al-Hizbî wat-Ta’âwun ash-Shar’î, and others.

2. As for what is in the sphere of verifications, then his books are diverse, such as:

Miftâh Dâr as-Sa’âdah, by Ibn al-Qayyim in three volumes,
at-Talîqât ar-Radiyyah ‘alar-Rawdah an-Nadiyyah, by al-Albânî in three volumes,
al-Bâ’ith al-Hathîth, by Ibn Kathîr in two volumes,
al-Hittah fî Dhikr as-Sihâh as-Sittah, by Siddîq Hasan Khân in [one] volume,
ad-Dâ’ wad-Diwâ’, by Ibn al-Qayyim in [one] volume,
al-Mutawârî ‘alâ Abwâb al-Bukhârî, by Ibn al-Munîr in [one] volume, and others.

3. A number of these books have been translated into a number of languages. From them: English, French, Urdu, Indonesian, Azerbaijani, and others.

For more read the page of the shaikh’s writings.

translated by : Rasheed Gonzales

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