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ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá: Feb 2013
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ÇáãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 129
ÇÝÊÑÇÖí The Salafi Da'wah: (its aims ...) by Shaykh alAlbaani - Compiled by 'ISaam Haadi

Chapter 8

Advice and Conclusion

Q: What is your advice to the Salafi preachers?

Ans: we advice them as we advice ourselves –also- to deal with people with good manners; because the Muslim as he said –‘Alaihi Salam- in an authentic hadeeth: ((surely the believer will achieve through his good manners the status of one that frequently fasts and prays at night)) . [1]

Likewise I advise them to continue intheir procedure which we have heard something from it, from the good approachin giving da’wah to the people with that which is better, and they should not use harshness and fierceness –as somepeople are doing-; because there is no place for that in this era; especially since the Prophet –Salallaahu‘alaihi wasSalam- said reminding ‘Aa’isha –Radhiyallaahu ‘anha-, when she usedfierceness in refuting that Jew; that greeted the Prophet –Salallaahu ‘alaihiwasSalam- with words in it was prayer upon the Prophet in judeo-arabic language[2],where he entered upon the Messenger –Salallaahu ‘alaihi wasSalam- saying:asSaam ‘alaykum (Death and Curse be upon you)! But he muffled it and made it(sound) between asSaam and asSalaam; asSaam ‘alaykum.

So the Messenger –‘Alaihi Salam-understood-, and answered him by saying: wa ‘alaykum (and upon you too), as for‘Aa’isha then she also joined her husband and her Prophet in noticing this word(asSaam), but she did not exercise his (the Prophet’s) patience, so shequivered at this statement, as if she tore into two parts! And she said inreply to that Jew: and upon is asSaam and curse and anger, brothers of monkeysand pigs!

So when the Jew left the Messenger –‘AlaihiSalam- said to her: ((what is this O ‘Aa’isha?)), she said: O Messenger of Allaah! Didyou not hear what they said? He said: ((did you nothear what I said? O ‘Aa’isha –hereis the point- gentleness will not be associated with athing except it beautifies it and will not be removed from a thing except itdisfigures it))[3].

So my advice to myself first, and to allour brothers –and from them are those who are living there in Thugrah (a townin Jordan)-: that they use this pleasantness and thiskindness with those that differ with them, and they should not resort to harshnessand fierceness; for surely its consequences are very disastrous.

And we ask Allaah for us and for themsuccess to understand the Qur’aan with correct understanding –as we havementioned-, and that we act according to it, and that we train with that thoseunder our care[4].

Q: In conclusionof these papers (treatise), we want from you a definition of “asSalafiyeen”,gathering the summary of what has preceded?

Ans: they are the callers to pure monotheism, and the correctreligion, those who have made their biggest concern: calling people tosincerity in their worship of Allaah –Subhaanahu wa ta’aala- alone, andpurifying the ‘aqaa’id from all impurities of shirk, and denouncing all thatviolates atTawheed; even if it was an error in speech.

And they have received in that path harm from the people,defamation, slander, and accusations from the ugliest of accusations[5].

Q: What is youradvice to the Salafis in particular and the Muslims in general?

Ans: my advice to all Muslims on the surface ofthe earth, and particularly our brothers that join us in affiliating to theblessed da’wah; da’wah of the Book and the Sunnah upon the Manhaj of the SalafasSaalih; I advise them and myself to fear Allaah –Subhaanahu wa ta’aala-first, then to seek increase in beneficial knowledge; as Allaah –Subhaanahu wata’aala- said:

﴿…æóÇÊøóÞõæÇú Çááøóåó æóíõÚóáøöãõßõãõ Çááøóåõ…﴾

So be afraid ofAllah; and Allah teaches you Q2: 282

and to couple their pious knowledge –whichis to us all nothing but “Book and Sunnah, upon the Manhaj of the SalafasSaalih”- that they couple with this knowledge of theirs the seeking toincrease in it as much as they are able: acting according to the knowledge,until it does not become a proof against them, but it becomes a proof for them

﴿íóæúãó áÇ íóäÝóÚõ ãóÇáñ æóáÇ Èóäõæäó﴾ ﴿ÅöáÇøó ãóäú ÃóÊóì Çááøóåó ÈöÞóáúÈò Óóáöíãò﴾

The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail﴿﴾Except him who brings to Allah a clean heart [clean from Shirk (polytheism) and Nifaq (hypocrisy)] ﴿Q26: 88&89

Then I warn them from partnering with manyof those that have left the path of the Salaf in a lot of issues, (which) is gathered under the word alKhurooj (rebelling)against the Muslims and against their groups, what we only command them is to be like he –Salallaahu ‘alaihiwasSalam- said in an authentic hadeeth ((and be (allof you) slaves of Allaah as brothers))[6],as Allaah –Subhaanahu wa ta’aala- has commanded you.

And upon us –as I have said in a previoussitting, and I repeat that one more time, and in repetition is benefit –andupon us: is that we are kind in our da’wah with those that oppose it, and weare always as with His –Subhaanahu wa ta’aala- statement:

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Invite (mankind, OMuhammad) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with theDivine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in away that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from HisPath, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided. Q16:125

and the most deserving of our dealing withusing this wisdom is he: who is most severe in opposing us in our principlesand in our ‘aqeedah; so that we do not combine between the heaviness of the da’wahof truth which Allaah –‘Azza wa Jal- has entrusted upon us and the weight of abad procedure in calling to Allaah –‘Azza wa Jal-.

So I expect from our brothers in allIslaamic lands that they conform to these Islaamic manners, then they seekafter that Allaah’s –‘Azza wa Jal- face not seeking reward nor gratitude[7].

[1] Reported by Aboo Daawud (4798)

[2] [TN]: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judeo-Arabic_languages accessed 26 Feb. 2014

[3] Reported by Ahmad (13531)

[4] ((Silsilatu-l-Huda wa-n-Nur)) Tape no (737)

[5] ((atTawasul ‘anwaa’uhu wa ‘ahkaamuhu))(Tawasul, its types and its rulings)(Pp 163)

[6] Reported by alBukhaari (6064) and Muslim (2558)

[7] ((Silsilatu-l-Huda wa-n-Nur)) Tape no (900)